On Why Good People are Divided by Politics
By Christopher Ryan Maboloc, PhD Jonathan Haidt explains that our political leanings are not rooted in reason but in gut feeling. The word "righteous," Haidt writes, is associated with the Norse word "rettviss," which means "upright" or "virtuous." The word later meant being obedient to God's will and thus, to God's judgment. Being judgmental in this sense is linked to righteousness. It then connects to being "self-righteous," which Haidt says is the normal human condition. Haidt argues that men and women evolved from group attachments in the same way as primates. There is no flaw to this design as we all are rooted in a moralistic strife given the primordial reality of conflict between groups. In which case, differences and disagreement are normal. Since we use logical reasoning in judging human character, we easily see others as fools or idiotic, thus the labels we attribute to adversaries. In reality, it has nothing to do w...