Putin's War
By Christopher Ryan Maboloc, PhD The reality of power is an enigma. Stephen Walt explains that the "Great Powers act in terrible ways." They often find justifications for their rouge behavior, for instance, the great lie that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction to justify the US Invasion. The reason is, however, typical of how countries with military might behave, from the earliest of known conflicts until the most recent. Hitler justified the Second World War as Germany's revenge for its humiliation in the Great War that saw its society and economy spiral, only to be rebuilt by starting to rearm itself that was also accepted by its people as a path toward both economic recovery and military might. In Realist theory, Walt argues that when it comes to powerful countries, "the idea that others must threaten them in the future makes them worry about their security and lead them to compete for power." In the mind of Putin, the North Atlantic Treaty Organizat...